PETROKASS is a Specialized and Authorized Education and Consultancy Company established since 2010,
providing a wide range of Training & Consultancy services within MENA and overseas in Different Field
Industries and Specialized in Oil & Gas and Located in United Arab Emirates.

What are the services provided PETROKASS?

  • Educational Consultancy Services
  • Risk Management and Risk Evaluation
  • Training Courses
  • Management Pre-Qualification and Rehabilitation
  • Technology Services Competency Support

How can I contact the team?

You can write to us through communication channels
E-mail: info@PETROKASS.com
or any other Social or Phone Contacts in the Website

Can I ask for specific educational content?

Yes, you can  ask help from our team  researchers to find resources on a specialized educational topic.

Are there training offers for institutions?

PETROKASS offers special FOR facilities or institutions that require the training of a number of their employees